KU Leuven, Belgium
- Tim smits is a professor in Persuasion and Marketing Communication at KU LEUVEN. He has a background in Social Psychology (MSc & PhD), Statistics (MSc), Marketing, Ethics and Communication.
- He is the current vice-dean of Education for the Faculty of Social Sciences, the former director of the Institute for Media studies and the former programme director of the Master in Corporate Communication at KU LEUVEN.
- Tim published on various topics within these fields, but his main research focus pertains to persuasion and marketing communication dynamics that involve health and/or consumer empowerment and how these are affected by situational differences or manipulations. He also has a more methodological line of research on science replicability.
- He is a reviewer for a wide range of academic journals, a regular blogger and media expert on the topic of persuasion and marketing communication. He is also a keynote speaker on persuasion, nudging and related topics.
Recent publications:
- Hallez,L et al. Persuasive packaging? The impact of packaging color and claims on young consumers’ perceptions of product healthiness, sustainability and tastiness. Appetite. 2022 Dec; 182(18) : 106433.
- Hallez,L et al. Nothing but ‘peaches and cream’? The impact of fruit images and a sugar claim on young consumers’ perceptions and expectations of dairy products. Food Quality and Preference. 2022 Jul ; 102(1) : 104687.
- Decorte, P et al. “Everywhere You Look, You’ll Find Food”: Emerging Adult Perspectives Toward the Food Media Landscape. Ecol Food Nutr. 2022 May-Jun;61(3):273-303.
- Hallez, L., et al. (2021). Can It Hurt to Be Honest About Nudging? the Impact of a (Disclosed) Social Norm Nudge on Food Preferences and Choice. In: Waiguny, M.K.J., Rosengren, S. (eds) Advances in Advertising Research (Vol. XI). European Advertising Academy. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden.
- Qutteina, Y et al. Food for Teens: How Social Media is Associated with Adolescent Eating Outcomes. Public Health Nutr. 2022 Feb;25(2):290-302