Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Spain
- Since 2021, Diego Intrigliolo is a Senior Scientist at the Desertification Research Center at the Spanish National Research Council in Valencia, where he continued his research work on topics related to agronomic practices to increase water use efficiency in woody crops and vine cultivation techniques to optimise grape and wine production and quality in warm and semi-arid environments under a context of severe land degradation and water scarcity.
- He studied at the Polytechnic University of Valencia where he obtained his PhD in Agricultural Engineering.
- Diego’s research studies aim at improving on-farm irrigation efficiency, plant water use efficiency and indeed water productivity.
- Currently, Diego is combining his research activities with additional tasks related with benchmarking research needs in the agricultural water management area.
- He is the Spanish national scientific expert for the European Joint Soil Programme on agricultural soils and the PRIMA Joint Programme “Partnership for research and innovation in the Mediterranean area” where he also serves in the Scientific Advisory Committee.
- Diego is associate editor for the indexed Journals Irrigation Science and Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research.
Recent publications:
- Mirás-Avalos et al. Quantitative analysis of almond yield response to irrigation regimes in Mediterranean Spain, Agricultural Water Management, Volume 279, 2023, 108208, ISSN 0378-3774
- González-Gómez et al. Assessing almond response to irrigation and soil management practices using vegetation indexes time-series and plant water status measurements, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 339, 2022, 108124, ISSN 0167-8809.
- González-Gómez et al. Assessing almond response to irrigation and soil management practices using vegetation indexes time-series and plant water status measurements, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 339, 2022, 108124, ISSN 0167-8809.
- Rubio-Asensio et al. Effects of Cover Crops and Drip Fertigation Regime in a Young Almond Agroecosystem. Agronomy. 2022; 12(11):2606
- Gisbert et al. Characterization of Local Mediterranean Grapevine Varieties for Their Resilience to Semi-Arid Conditions under a Rain-Fed Regime. Agronomy. 2022; 12(9):2234