Diet, fruit and vegetables, and One Health: what contributions ?
Day 1 - Wednesday 20 September 2023
12:30-14:00 Welcome (Free lunch) – Registration – Poster display
14:00-14:30 Opening session
- Christel Teyssedre, Aprifel (FR)
- Marc FESNEAU, French Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
- Maria DEL CAMINO ARROYO PEREZ, Ministry of the Environmental Affair, and Rural and Marine Affairs (SP)
- Claire BURY, DG Health, European Commission (BE)
- Elio Riboli, Imperial College London (UK)
- Joël Doré, INRAE (FR)
14:30-18:15 Session 1: Fruit and vegetables: what are the benefits for human health and for food and nutritional security?

14:30-15:35 : Keynote lectures
Research progress on fruit and vegetables on health and chronic diseases
Moderators: Jean-Michel Lecerf & Elio Riboli
Cardiovascular disease prevention – Monique Verschuren, RIVM (NL)
Type 2 diabetes prevention – facts and gaps – Nita Forouhi, University of Cambridge (UK)
Cancer prevention – Marc Gunter, Imperial College London (UK)
15:35-16:50 Keynote lectures
Emerging research on nutrition & global health
Innovation in evaluating gut microbiota and fiber-rich vegetables interactions- Nathalie Delzenne, UCLouvain (BE)
The role of fruit and vegetables in mental and brain health- Saverio Stranges, Western University (CA)
Nutrition transition towards plant-based foods: ultraprocessed, unprocessed and their health impact- Benjamin Allès, EREN (FR)
Fruit and vegetables in food and nutritional security – Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, NEPAD (SA)
16h50-17h20 Networking break + Poster visit
17h20-18h15 Oral communications
Session 1: Oral communications
Associations between species diversity in our diet and gastrointestinal cancer risk: results from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Study- B.Chimera (FR)
Association between metabolic syndrome and healthy and unhealthy Plant-Based diets: in the NutriNet-Santé study – C. Prioux (FR)
Antioxidant-rich foods, antioxidant supplements, and sarcopenia in old-young adults ≥55 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomized controlled trials. – M. Besora-Moreno (SP)
Conclusion: Elio Riboli, Imperial College London (UK)
18h15-18h45 Poster visit
19:00-20:00 Welcome cocktail
Day 2 - Thursday 21 September 2023
09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee
09:30-12:30 Session 2: Fruit and vegetables at the core of sustainability: what environmental and social impacts, and levers?

Keynote lectures:
Moderators : Françoise Lescourret & Alain Peeters
Introduction: Françoise Lescourret, INRAe (FR)
How to preserve and improve soil quality for fruit and vegetable production and health? – Marc André Sélosse, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (FR)
Tackling climate impacts: fruit and vegetables as part of the crisis or the solution? – Giuseppe Montanaro, University of Basilicata (IT)
Water footprints for fruit vegetable production: Definitions and optimization practice – Diego Intrigliolo– Spanish National Research Council (SP)
Functional biodiversity to control weeds in fruit orchards – Davide Neri, Polytechnic University of Marche (IT)
Social innovations in fruit and vegetables to address multiple Sustainable Development Goals in food systems – Marie-Josèphe Amiot-Carlin, INRAE (FR)
11:15-11:45 Networking break + Poster visit
11:45-12:30 Oral communications
Session 2: Oral communications
Sustainable school food in England; A realist evaluation- F. Sabet (UK)
Poor access to fruit and vegetables limits the adherence to sustainable diets in The Gambia- Z. Ali (The Gambia)
The environmental, nutritional and cost impacts of vegan, vegetarian and meat-based meals – B. Takacs (UK)
Conclusion: Alain Peeters, RHEA (BE
12:30-14:00 Lunch break + Poster visit
14:00-17:20 Session 3: Vegetalizing the diet: what are the determinants of consumer behaviour and choice?

Keynote lectures:
Moderators: Emma Boyland & Frans Folkvord
The factors that influence our food choices across the lifespan- Sophie Nicklaus, INRAE (FR)
I’ll have what you’re having: why we need to include social factors in healthy eating interventions – Roel Hermans, Leefstijl Lab (NL)
Creating healthy environments: Encouraging fruit and vegetable intake at the day care and primary school – Gertrude Zeinstra, Wageningen University and Research (NL))
Movement behaviors, eating habits, and appetite control: are they really connected? – David Thivel, Université Clermont Auvergne (FR)
Opportunities for public health policies to promote greater fruit and vegetables intake –Emma Boyland– University of Liverpool (UK) & Frans Folkvord– Tilburg University (NL)
16:00-16:30 Networking break + Poster visit
16:30-17:20 Oral communications
Session 3: Oral communications
Time-trend of fruit, vegetables and sweets consumption among European adolescents between 2013 and 2018 and related to sociodemographic characteristics: Health Behaviour in School age Children study – J. Queral (SP)
Food Boost Challenge: application of participatory action research – by, for and with adolescents – for assessing small-scale determinants of adolescent’s behaviour and actionable possibilities for healthier food choices by adolescents – W. Scholtes-Bos (NL)
‘Less meat’ or ‘more fruit and veg’? The role of promotion-prevention framing on attitudes towards diet change in the UK. – H. Zamzow (UK)
17:20-17:50 Poster Session Award
19:30-23:00 Gala Dinner
Day 3 - Friday 22 September 2023
08:30-09:00 Welcome coffee – Registration
09:00-12:50 Session 4: Placing fruit and vegetables at the center of the One Health discussion- Solutions, recommendations, actions and priorities

Keynote lectures:
Moderators : Boitshepo Bibi Giyose & Christian Reynolds
State of art and role of public policies to achieve sustainable diet – Céline Giner, OECD (FR)
A mapping system to have a win-win solution to tackle food insecurity, the multiple forms of malnutrition and climate change – Kremlin Wickramasinghe, WHO Europe (DK)
Can all people access to healthy and sustainable diet? – Anna Herforth, Harvard T.H. Chan (USA)
10:00-10:50 Oral communications
Session 4: Oral communications
A global analysis of national dietary guidelines on plant-based diets and substitutions for animal-based foods- A.-L. Klapp (GE)
A case study of ‘food biodiversity’ and experiences of community food growing environments in the City of Brighton & Hove – L. Salm (UK)
Protecting health by improving Food Literacy in primary and intermediate schools: an Italian experience with the MaestraNatura e-learning program – A. Silenzi (IT)
10:50-11:15 Networking break
Round table and panel discussion
Animated by: Christian Reynolds, City University of London (UK)
- Boitshepo Bibi Giyose, NEPAD (SA)
- Carmen Gloria Gonzalez, University of Chile (CL)
- Machteld van Lieshout, The Hague University of Applied Sciences (NL)
- Daniel Sauvaitre, France National Association Apples and Pears (FR)
- Piedad Coscollá Toledo, Anecoop (SP)
- Philippe Binard, Freshfel (BE)
- Pilar Santacoloma, FAO (IT)