Restitution day of the
european programme "Fruit & Veg 4 HEALTH"
As part of the European program Fruit & Veg 4 Health, Aprifel organized a European meeting on November 5th & 6th, 2020. The meeting aimed to assess the program and to disseminate its results at European level while raising awareness among European doctors.
November 5th, 2020
14:30 - 14:40
E.Riboli, Imperial College London, UK
14:40 - 14:55
Presentation of the EU Programme “Fruit & Veg 4 Health”
D.Tailliez & S.PEDROSA– Aprifel, FR
14:55 - 16:30
EGEA 2018 – Nutrition & health: from science to action (action 1)
Presentation of EGEA conference 2018:
E.Riboli – Imperial College London, UK
Benefits of F&V are scientifically proven
- On human health
E.Riboli – Imperial College London, UK & D.Weghuber – ECOG, BE & Paracelsus Medical School, AT - On the planet
C.Reynolds – University of London, UK
Food system and environment
- Role of marketing in food choices
F.Folkvord – Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences, NL - Why nutrition is a priority in medical education?
M.Touvier – INSERM, FR
16:50 - 17:30
16:50 - 17:30
Results of the EU programme “Fruit & Veg 4 Health”
Evaluation of the FRUIT & VEG 4 HEALTH program: intermediate results and recommendations
K.Sage & A.Williams – Quadrant Conseil, FR
Results of the French barometer with GP, pediatricians and gynecologists
J.Soffer – Institut CSA Research, FR
November 6th, 2020
10:00 - 12:15
How to learn from the experience, spread it to other countries and improve it?
Round table animated by E.Riboli (Imperial College London, UK) & M.Laville (Univ. C. Bernard Lyon 1, FR)
With the participation of health professionals:
- WONCA members: R.Zoitanu (Vasco da Gama Movement, RO) & K. Nessler (Vasco da Gama Movement, PO)
- ECOG members: ML. Frelut (ECOG, FR) & A. Vania (Sapienza Rome University, IT)
- Members of the steering committee: JM. Lecerf (Pasteur Institute Lille, FR), A. Stavdal (WONCA Europe, NO) & D. Weghuber (ECOG, BE & Paracelsus Medical School, AT)
12:15 - 12:20
E.Riboli – Imperial College London, UK