On November 5th & 6th, Aprifel will organized a restitution meeting of the European programme “Fruit and Veg 4 Health”. After three years of action targeting French doctors, this event aimed to present the results collected and to think together about ways to extend abroad this initiative.
The world’s population is facing important struggles related to dietary transitions and a higher prevalence of non-communicable diseases1. Increasing fruit and vegetable intake from the earliest possible age is a key pillar of a healthy diet...
Improving health on a long term basis is the objective of a healthy diet which requires to go through issues such as nutritional deficiencies and overeating...
In Europe, the consumption of fruit and vegetables is below the international recommendations (400g/day - WHO) and national standards (at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day in France – National Nutrition Health Program).
Patients consult intentionally general practitioners for nutritional advice and tend to trust more nutritional information given by health professionals...
One of the objectives of the European action plan (proposed by the WHO – Europe regional office) for the diet and nutrition policy 2015-2020 is to improve the knowledge of primary health professionals regarding nutrition.
Among others, a general practitioner’s mission is nutritional education. He plays a key role in prevention policies and health education...